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CoSIM Manager

The CoSim Manager is responsible for managing the simulation, calling the various client scripts, passing them data and starting and stopping scenarios.

Bridge client architecture

A high-level architecture is shown here.

Here we list the identifier of the functions/class we commented


src.sim.cosimManager.ActorSnapshots.parseActorSnapshot(snap, obsIDList, actorList, carlamap)

Parse the Carla snapshot to extract actor data. This is subsequently used to generate the actor ground truth message for the ADS.


  • snap (Snapshot) –

    Carla snapshot to be parsed

  • obsIDList

    List of actor IDs to be included in the output

  • actorList

    List of carla.actors used to retrieve static information

  • carlamap

    Carla object used to get properties such as those for geolocation transformation

Returns: A tuple including all actor properties for each actor

src.sim.cosimManager.actorReader(CARLA_HOST, CARLA_PORT)

Manager function to send actor data using the bridge


  • CARLA_HOST (string) –

    Host IP of Carla server

  • CARLA_PORT (int) –

    Port of Carla server

src.sim.cosimManager.camReader(CARLA_HOST, CARLA_PORT)

Manager function to send camera on the bridge


  • CARLA_HOST (string) –

    Host IP of Carla server

  • CARLA_PORT (int) –

    Port of Carla server

src.sim.cosimManager.egoReader(CARLA_HOST, CARLA_PORT)

Manager function to send ego data on the bridge + more things TODO


  • CARLA_HOST (string) –

    Host IP of Carla server

  • CARLA_PORT (int) –

    Port of Carla server

src.sim.cosimManager.egoWriter(CARLA_HOST, CARLA_PORT)

Manager function to receive data from the ADS and control the ego vehicle in Carla accordingly


  • CARLA_HOST (string) –

    Host IP of Carla server

  • CARLA_PORT (int) –

    Port of Carla server

src.sim.cosimManager.lidarReader(CARLA_HOST, CARLA_PORT)

Manager function to send Lidar data on the bridge


  • CARLA_HOST (string) –

    Host IP of Carla server

  • CARLA_PORT (int) –

    Port of Carla server

src.sim.cosimManager.parseEgoSnapshot(snap, egoID, carlamap, throttle, brake, steering)

Parse the Carla snapshot to extract ego vehicle data


  • snap (Snapshot) –

    Carla snapshot to be parsed

  • egoID

    ID of the ego vehicle which is a

  • carlamap

    Carla object used to get properties such as those for geolocation transformation

  • throttle

    Throttle value taken from the ADS to be fed back in the ego state message

  • brake

    Brake value taken from the ADS to be fed back in the ego state message

  • steering

    Steering value taken from the ADS to be fed back in the ego state message

Returns: A tuple including all properties pertaining to the ego vehicle state

src.sim.cosimManager.scenarioPlayer(CARLA_HOST, CARLA_PORT)

Manager function to control carla actors


  • CARLA_HOST (string) –

    Host IP of Carla server

  • CARLA_PORT (int) –

    Port of Carla server